About Kapil Kush

My story

I am passionate about Self growth and developing qualities that can transform our lives. I want to fulfill the highest and truest expression for myself and help others in their true self.

I am a professional and have spent over decade in Corporate field . I am always passionate about motivational speaking and wish to make positive impact in people’s life.  My experience with different culture and region like U.S , U.K and Nordic Region countries helped me in strengthening my really key interest areas.

I am passionate about each an every aspect that can impact human growth and help people succeed in holistic way.

 I have started this journey last year and put lots of effort in designing and creating program that can help professional and others to design a complete road map to future success.

I have a strong belief that each human being have enormous power to create and live life that truly masterpiece. Best way is to tap into your true passion and create success around it.

So what is stopping you to achieve career , money and relationship you want. well there is no obstacle outside. you have to focus only one person and that is You.

Feedback & Reviews

What can I do for you?

I can help you achieve your goals in the right way.

I am a public speaker and inspire people to live life with more courage.

Inspirational talk and one day session with your organisation to discuss  and share ideas with tools for complete success in different areas of life and business. 

Aim is to inspire people for living a life not only because you want all success. but real magic happens when you start living with more courage , have more gratitude and complete faith in your abilities .

I meditate  and want to spread awareness of this beautiful and powerful gift to everyone.

I love blogging and writing contents that can really help to achieve your all desires.My focus is always to Inspire people through my words and write ups. Meditation is the tool to make connection with universe and true self.

you live life that you create for yourself. Once you are to able to have mastery on your thoughts, emotions and energy then you have complete control what you want to manifest in your life.

I am a coach and ready to help you design and achieving your true Goals.

Coaching program for those who really want to make changes in their lives and ready to take  all required steps.

I have designed and created the Program #BeConnected.  It covers all the aspect of individual growth and happy life while making journey towards your dream.

Need advice?

For any query related to personal coaching and speaking session. 

Let me help you achieve your goals in the right way.